Day 13

Today I travelled to Bruges, Belgium. The train ride was only an hour which was not bad at all. My Aribnb was only 17 minutes away, so I walked to the home instead of taking a bus. The walk was through a park and was very peaceful. This was a nice change from leaving a train station and walking through bustling city streets. The only bad part about the walk was my cumbersome bag and heavy, bulging backpack.

I always put my Airbnb in google maps and then walk to the home but always seem to pass it up. I found the street that my Airbnb was on but could not find the door. Some nice lady on a bike asked if I needed help. Although she did not know the street name I was referring to, she gave me advice on places to eat. My first interaction with a native was a very nice encounter.

I finally find the door (a big blue door, only one on the street... how could I miss this). My host takes me up to my room, and again, it is stunning. The room is spacious and the bed is very soft. I have a bathroom that connects to the room with a shower. I was also greeted with chocolates that were absolutely delicious. This host even had a whole booklet put together of how to travel around Bruges: places to eat, places to buy food, tours, museums, historic buildings. This book is very helpful and I greatly appreciate the time she took to put this together. This is the best I have been treated so far. Here is my Airbnb in Bruges:

After settling in my room, I decided to go explore the city a bit. I am living right off a main shopping street which is quite busy. There are a lot more people than I had imagined would be here. My room is very quiet though so I have no complaints. There is a grocery store nearby and plenty of clothing stores. The clothing store part is also a bad thing though. I started shopping and I wanted to purchase everything. But there is no way I could fit anything else in my bags so I only purchased one shirt.

Well I thought there were a lot of chocolate shops in Brussels... there are even more in Bruges. The chocolate shops here though aren't the same brand repeating on every street. I was reading that there are 55 chocolate shops just in this small city. I hope to go into some of them tomorrow.

Update: The Belgium Waffle of the Day: Waffle with Brown Sugar. This waffle was much different than the previous two but I enjoyed it just the same. Since the waffle was not smothered in chocolate, I could actually taste the waffle. The waffle is very sweet, unlike American waffles. The brown sugar topping added a nice crunch and even more sweetness to the waffle. I am thinking I might venture to having fruit on my waffle tomorrow. Stay tuned.

There are a lot of people walking around the city, but no trams or trains, and only a few cars and busses. The city centre of Bruges is a UNESCO World Heritage sight so there is little public transportation. This is extremely nice. I feel safe in this city and everything is walkable which is extremely convenient. Just in a few minutes, I came across some beautiful architecture.

This is already my favorite city and I cannot wait to explore tomorrow.


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